あいさつ is a greeting; a reply. Greetings in Japan are, like anywhere else, considered polite, and preferable to not greeting, but, like most social interactions in Japan, are more ritualized than in the West.
greeting expression in english can be said in several way, such as :
· Common greeting
おはよう ございます === Good Morning
こんにちは === Good Afternoon
こんばんは === Good Night
おやすみ === Good Night (use for say good bye to someone who want to sleep)
· Asking how someone is
(お)げんきですか === How are you?
For answer this you can use :
はい、、げんきです === I’m fine
いいえ、びょうきです/いいえ、げんきでわありません === I’m not fine
· Saying thank you
ありがとうございます === Thank you
どうもありがとうございます === Thank you very much
どいたしまして === U’r Welcome
· Saying goodbye
またあいましょう === See you
じゃまた === See later
またあした === See you tomorrow
さようなら === Goodbye
日常挨拶と表現―にちじょうあいさつとひょうげんー Greeting and Expression for every day
ありがとうございます=== Thank you
いただきます=== bon appetit
ごちそうさまでした === Use for someone who finished their eat
いってきます=== I’ll be back
いっていらっさい === the reply to "ittekimasu", said to the person leaving
いらっさいませ === Welcome (it’s use for seller who greeting their buyer)
ただいま === I’m back
おかえりなさい === Welcome home
おかえり === Welcome back
おつかれさまでした === Thanks for working so hard
おじゃします=== Sorry to bother you. (Said when entering someone's home.)
はじめまして === How do you do
おひさしぶりです === Long time no see
すみません === Excuse me
気をつけて -きをつけて === Take care
どうぞよろしくおねがいします === I ask that you treat me kindly. (This is said often when you meet someone for the first time or when you've asked them to do you some favor.)
おさきにしつれいします === I'm sorry for leaving before you. (Said as one leaves the office if leaving before other people.)
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