Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Let's Learn Katakana

Ohayou minna san,,,,,O genki desuka????

Now we learn about Katakana…. Katakana is a Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system along with hiragana, kanji, and in some cases the Latin alphabet (romaji). Katakana is used for loan words and foreign words, depending on context, foreign text can be left as foreign text. There are special cases in all matters , but this is generally speaking.

Let see the picture below....

the picture above is 46 character of katakana.....
minna gomenasai I'm late to update this blog,,,, Now,,I want to explain how to write katakana "a" until "so",,,,

Row 1 (a, i, u, e, o)

 Row 2 (ka, ki, ku, ke, ko)

 Row 3 (sa, shi, su, se, so)

Row 4 (ta, chi, tsu, te, to)
Row 5 (na, ni, nu, ne, no)

Row 6 (ha, hi, fu, he, ho)
Row 7 (ma, mi, mu, me, mo)

 Row 8 (ya, yu, yo)
Row 9 (ra, ri, ru, re, ro)

Row 10 (wa, wo)

Row 11 (n)

The picture above is 46 main letter off katakana,,,,


3 komentar:

  1. wiwiiiiit.... ajarin daeng ya.. :D

    ganbatte minna san...

  2. jiahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aya aya wae si daeng............

  3. owwwh.. blog lw wit...
    kunjungan balik ya?
